Formula Tips

*If you are a new Mom, or mother to be I strongly encourage breastfeeding. The benefits for your child are unending and it is completely free! is a great reference site.

With that being said...not everyone can breastfeed and formula can be an expensive alternative to free, but it doesn't have to be! Formula manufacturer's send out tons of coupons and check, you just have to know where to look.

*Ask your pediatrician for samples every time you take your kiddo for a check up, most doctors don't mind at all! Also ask your pediatrician for coupons. I promise the formula company sends them plenty of samples and coupons!

*Go to the company's website and sign up for their program to receive formula checks and coupons.

Sign up for Similac Strong Moms

Sign up for Enfamil Family Beginnings

Sign up for Gerber Good Start savings

* Try store brand. Kroger and Target both have coupons for their formula on a regular basis. Kroger prints them on the catalina, and Target has coupons on their website occasionally.